Men’s Shed Hosts Business Night – – South Burnett Online

MBDA president Leo Geraghty, right, presented Wendy Mobbs and Brett and Maree Holznagel with thank you certificates for their work in local businesses

June 16, 2022

The Murgon Business and Development Association’s inaugural meet’n’greet attracted a hardy crowd of local businesspeople to the Murgon Men’s Shed on a chilly Wednesday evening.

The night was a test for a new, more informal gathering, similar in style to the Kingaroy Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s popular six-weekly get-togethers.

The MBDA will still hold its more formal monthly breakfast meetings but plans to hold casual evening meet’n’greets every few months at local venues or businesses.

The Murgon Men’s Shed volunteered to host the first event.

Men’s Shed president David Mollenhauer brought MBDA members up-to-date on the group’s latest projects, including their restoration of the railway carriages and a steam engine.

MBDA treasurer Lorraine Goodchild said it was also a chance for the MBDA to thank Wendy Mobbs for her years of work at the Murgon Post Office, and Brett and Maree Holznagel, from The Tackle Box, which is closing soon.

“Joe, the new owner of the Post Office, also came along; which was great to meet him,” Lorraine said.

[Photos: MBDA and Kathy Duff]

Murgon Men’s Shed president David Mollenhauer talked about the group’s latest activities and plans
MBDA members had the chance to socialise in a more relaxed way than at a business meeting
MBDA members case an eye over some of the Men’s Shed wheelwrighting workmanship
The meet’n’greet attendees had a chance to meet Joe, the new licensee at the Murgon Post Office

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