Extra help for business | Brimbank & North West – Brimbank & North West | Star Weekly


Tara Murray

Brimbank businesses hit hard by the pandemic are set to receive a helping hand from council.

Council will provide businesses with a range of fee waivers and refunds this financial year – similar to those on offer last year.

A report to a recent council meeting said discussions with businesses through Brimbank’s COVID Response Business Taskforce had found that fee reductions and waivers would assist businesses.

“Officers have analysed the range of fees and charges and recommend applying a reduction or waiver of the fees and charges,” the report said.

A 50 per cent discount be applied on upcoming fixed premises renewals for eligible businesses that have been directly impacted.

Those businesses include cafés, takeaways, restaurants, home businesses, home-based manufacturers, sporting clubs and school canteens.

It’s expected the council would provide about $514,000 relief to local businesses.

More businesses will benefit from the Brimbank COVID Recovery Business Grants program, with $300,000 in grants available.

There are grants available for start-up micro businesses to assist with fees, registrations and equipment; small business support grants; and small business booster grants.

Last year more than 120 grants were awarded.

Cr Virginia Tachos, who looks after the COVID-19 response portfolio, said the pandemic continued to impact Brimbank in a number of different ways.

“We continue to support our local traders and more now than ever they need the support as the pandemic is dragging on and it’s hurting our businesses,” she said.

“We are really stressing the importance of getting behind our local businesses whenever we can.”
